By in Spirit
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Most manifested form of energy.

“Everything is Energy and that’s all there is to it” -Albert Einstein

Across time, space, cultures and eras there has been mention of “Wheels” or “Cycles.” Specific spots within the body-mind complex that interacts with the world around us and the world within us.

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly sensed that something was “off?”

Maybe you have felt deep inside that there is a block that is preventing you from living a life of joy and freedom.

Both of these moments your energy body, or subtle body, is sending signals to your nervous system about your environment both outside and within you.

Quantum Physics is starting to challenge our beliefs about the reality that we know. I encourage you to lean into the uncomfortable information I am about to share.

Your physical body is made up of about 99.99999% empty space. The remaining .00001% is made of energy from the protons, neutrons and electrons within atoms. Atoms are the building blocks of ALL life and matter. Everything from the screen you are reading this on, to the surface beneath you is made up of atoms, which leads to everything being made of energy, not matter.

Quantum Physics also implies that energy responds to consciousness.

So if everything is made up of energy and that energy responds to consciousness, wouldn’t you like to master your own personal energy system????

This is where I am at currently. I am starting with the root basis of life. The stability, safety and security on all levels of spirit, mind and body.

The 7 major chakras sit along the spine and have associations to nerve bundles, endocrine glands, levels of consciousness, and sensory information. The Muladhara is the first chakra within the 7 major chakras.

Its energy center is located at the base of the spinal column at the perineum.

The spinal nerve plexus is the Sacral Plexus where the spinal nerves split and form the motor and sensory nerves that control the sensations you feel and the movement you create for the legs, feet, genitals and pelvis.

The endocrine gland is the adrenal glands that are essential to health and vitality. These two tiny glands that sit above the kidneys secrete the hormones adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). They also help maintain homeostasis, or balance, for the entire body during stress.

The level of consciousness is Instinctual and to be fully IN the body.

Sensory information:

The root chakra is associated with the color red, the geometric shape of the cube, and the four petal lotus.

The root chakra is associated with the scents of Vetiver, Myrrh, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Pine, Cedar wood, and Sandalwood. The Root Chakra’s main sensory organ is the Nose!

For the sense of taste explore root vegetables and fruits in the color red. Sip mindfully on root teas and take the time to be fully in your body while you taste the food and drink you are having.

The sense of touch for the root chakra can be experienced through still postures, movement that include the legs and feet, mudras and/or acupressure points of the Stomach and Spleen meridians.

The sense of sound you will want to listen to the outer sounds of 396 hz within the Solfeggio frequency, the alpha binaural beat of 7.83 hz or the Schumann Resonance, or the middle C note. For inner sound chanting OM and LAM. Also, depending on the imbalance of your root chakra you could also chant several other seed mantras to bring in the energy you need to balance out this chakra.

Imbalances: fears, anxiety, operating constantly from the fight, flight or freeze part of the nervous system, problems with elimination, feet, legs or hips.

Balanced: Feel safe, secure and stable in your basic needs, emotional needs, and balance in your sense of trust vs mistrust.

Meditations that help balance this chakra: Inner child healing, grounding and sensorimotor moving meditations. Journaling your awareness of what instinctual patterns repeat in your life.

Whoa, that is A LOT of information. I would highly suggest reading that list again and feel which one calls out to you the most. Then repeat that consistently for 28 days. For example, if simply observing your body and being FULLY IN your body sounds pleasant to you, do it every moment that you can and over the course of 28 days. Maybe essential oils is your jam, then diffuse or anoint your pulse points with the above scents. Maybe wearing color therapy glasses while you do a ground meditation sounds like fun. Whatever combo or single action you decide on is perfect for this moment. There is absolutely no right or wrong way to do this. I encourage you to explore, play and discover what works right for you.

All this information is for educational purposes!

I see you

I love you

I AM you.

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